The SKy full of Stars

Lucas —

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned my trip to Salem, Oregon in 2017 to witness the total solar eclipse. I did some digging around and found some photos I had taken. Enjoy!

Watching the moon slowly pass in front of the sun through a sheet of welding class was pretty cool…


… But that moment of totality, the mere seconds when the entire sky goes dark — it was incredible. It felt like a plug had been pulled out of the heavens and the universe was swirling down the drain.


 This experience came back to me when Steve was pitching me on his idea for The Constant Star. For me, the whole comic has been leading up to this moment: when the veil is suddenly lifted from Jea’s eyes and she sees the whole sky. And, of course, the experience wouldn’t be complete without creepy eldritch sound effects!

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